Dr. Barry L. Kaye welcomes you to learn about the advantages of neurointegration for your wellbeing. Here you will discover specific ways you can improve and optimize your health as your body performs more properly, efficiently and effectively. Through a blend of modalities, enhanced through Neurofeedback with Entrainment, Dr. Kaye can assess and provide protocols to alleviate a myriad of symptoms and conditions. We all want better health. Neurofeedback is ideal for helping people with medical conditions such as:
Brain Mapping: Visualize Inside The Brain
We also offer brain mapping, a quick and non invasive process that provides a snapshot of your brainwave activity. From this map we get a very accurate picture of what is going on inside your brain and how to correct it using neurofeedback. For more information on brain mapping see our What Is Brain Mapping Page.
Neurofeedback for Depression - Compelling research evidence exists that there is often a neurophysiological basis for depression, particularly in people with a family history of depression. Neuroscientists have discovered a particular brainwave pattern that allows us to identify individuals with a biological predisposition for developing depression. This biological marker appears to be very robust (Davidson, 1998a, b), having been […]
What IS Neurofeedback? - What exactly is Neurofeedback and see how it can help children with ADHD type symptoms
Video: Improving Brain Function - Neurofeedback training allows the central nervous system to function better. Video from http://www.eeginfo.com/neurofeedback-videos-media.php

Lorna Riley, CSP
“NeuroIntegration training has been a powerful tool for helping my patients transform their lives. It has been exciting to watch symptoms of anxiety, Depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue disappear. This program offers a holistic approach and is cost effective. Decades of research show results are often permanent, offering healthy productive futures to my patients.”
Dr. Mikell Parsons DC